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FreshPress AutoDate Updater – WordPress Plugin

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $0.00.

With FreshPress AutoDate Updater, you’re not just updating dates; you’re breathing new life into every page, every post, and every pixel. This isn’t just a plugin; it’s your site’s new best friend, ensuring that your content stays at the forefront of relevance and SEO rankings.


FreshPress AutoDate Updater breathes new life into your WordPress site by ensuring your content remains evergreen. This innovative plugin automatically updates the last modified date of your posts, keeping them fresh and improving their visibility to both users and search engines.

Say goodbye to outdated content and hello to a vibrant, dynamic website that attracts more visitors and boosts engagement.


  • Automatic Date Updates: FreshPress AutoDate Updater intelligently refreshes the last modified date of your posts based on configurable settings, making your content appear new and relevant.
  • SEO Optimization: Enhance your site’s SEO by regularly updating content timestamps. Search engines favor fresh content, improving your site’s rankings and visibility.
  • Flexible Configuration: Easily select which posts to update and define how frequently updates should occur, giving you complete control over your content strategy.
  • Bulk Update Option: With a single click, update the dates of all eligible posts, saving you time and effort.
  • User Engagement: Keep your audience engaged with up-to-date content, encouraging repeat visits and increased interaction.
  • Simple Setup: Get up and running in minutes with a straightforward installation process and intuitive settings.


  • Boosted SEO Rankings: By keeping your content fresh, you’re more likely to rank higher in search engine results, driving more organic traffic to your site.
  • Increased User Engagement: Fresh, relevant content keeps your audience coming back for more, enhancing user engagement and loyalty.
  • Time and Effort Savings: Automate the tedious task of manually updating post dates, freeing up your time to focus on creating new, compelling content.
  • Enhanced Content Strategy: Use FreshPress AutoDate Updater as part of your overall content strategy to maintain a dynamic and attractive site.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I select specific posts for date updates? Yes, FreshPress AutoDate Updater allows you to select specific posts or categories for automatic date updates, providing flexibility to match your content strategy.
  • Is the plugin compatible with custom post types? Absolutely! FreshPress AutoDate Updater supports custom post types, making it versatile for various types of WordPress sites.
  • Will updating the modified date affect my post’s original publish date? No, the plugin only updates the last modified date, leaving the original publish date intact.

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